Business Partner - Disco!


Become a power host.

We serve premier local businesses by bringing you high quality group bookings through our experience marketplace and corporate programs. Customers are seeking curated, transparent event options they can book easily. Join our network to drive more revenue, ditch the cold leads and enhance your customer experience.

Our mission

More than a marketplace. We've built the platform to give your customers the information they need and immediate responses they expect while making it easy for you to accept new group event bookings. We're always thinking of ways to enhance your business & give you the tools needed to streamline your processes while reaching new audiences. Customers book with Disco! throughout the year to plan all of their group events including team building, networking events, client dinners, creative workshops, office perks, birthday parties, showers and more.

rating from our business partners
average time to create a listing
10 minutes
event attendees

Key features

Increase revenue
Introduce and grow new group event revenue streams
Create compelling packages
Activate real time bookings with our availability builder + guided onboarding.
Seamless & quick payments
Disco! bookings are not cold leads. You receive a deposit within 24 hours.
Strategic partner
Featured in our direct outreach initiatives, community partnerships, social & more.
Streamlined dashboard & notifications
Bookings, listings & helpful content all in one spot
Custom engagements
Update your organizational process or outsource your venue management

Get started

Fill out our form and the team will reach out shortly.